We are a non-denominational ministry with a hunger to reveal God in Christ to man and to restore the lost sheep back to the fold of the shepherd.
To see a community established in God’s kingdom agenda and culture, having a hope to live for and a future to live in by discovering purpose and fulfilling destiny in the mindset of Christ.
To reveal God in Christ, raising true worshippers unto God, strengthening the family unit, and expressing the love of God to a dying world.
Christ experienced as the grace of God revealed, the hope in God guaranteed, and the love of God expressed.
We intend to VERTICALLY GROW by revealing God in the knowledge of Christ through the teachings of the Word, establishing kingdom culture through a lifestyle of worship to manifest kingdom mandate fulfilling destiny, in other words, “re-presenting and representing Christ!”
We also intend to HORIZONTALLY SHOW the love of God to the world that they may come to know the God of love. This is done through our charity arm of reaching out to people expressing God’s love towards them.
This gathering seeks to strengthen our inner selves by revealing Christ, the embodiment of God’s complete message and essence. He represents everything God wishes to convey about Himself to humanity, including His plans, purpose, and power.
By looking to Jesus as the model for how the children of God should be and live, you can approach life with the right perspective, centred solely in Christ.
Stay Updated on the Gospel of Christ
This gathering seeks to strengthen our inner selves by revealing Christ, the embodiment of God’s complete message and essence. He represents everything God wishes to convey about Himself to humanity, including His plans, purpose, and power.