We are a non-denominational ministry with a hunger to reveal God in Christ to man.

Destiny Ways International Network Ministry Is a non-denominational ministry with a hunger to reveal God in Christ to man and to restore the lost sheep back to the fold of the shepherd. We are kingdom-driven to represent and re-present Christ.

Our Vision

To see a community established in God’s kingdom agenda and culture, having a hope to live for and a future to live in by discovering purpose and fulfilling destiny in the mindset of Christ.

Our Mission

To reveal God in Christ, raising true worshippers unto God, strengthening the family unit, and expressing the love of God to a dying world.

Our Message

Christ experienced as the grace of God revealed, the hope in God guaranteed, and the love of God expressed.

We intend to VERTICALLY GROW by revealing God in the knowledge of Christ through the teachings of the Word, establishing kingdom culture through a lifestyle of worship to manifest kingdom mandate fulfilling destiny, in other words, “re-presenting and representing Christ!”

We also intend to HORIZONTALLY SHOW the love of God to the world that they may come to know the God of love. This is done through our charity arm of reaching out to people expressing God’s love towards them.

Our Creed

  • We believe in one God manifested in three expressions called the Trinity.
  • We believe in God the Father who is the Godhead, we believe in the incarnate Christ called the Son, and we believe in the Holy Spirit, who is the manifested presence of God. We believe that He is the Spirit of Christ and He is God. The Holy Spirit is a divine person possessing all the attributes and personality of the deity. The Holy Spirit is co-equal with the Father and the Son. We believe in the Trinity-One God-being and three persons in functionality who are co-equal in essence.
  • We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit that comes by faith after the salvation experience.
  • We believe the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation. We believe in salvation by faith in the finished work of Christ where you receive Jesus Christ as Lord by faith and confess His Lordship over you with your mouth.
  • We believe in the Scripture which is the Bible, that it is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, as our only and final authority, and that the Bible contains the word of God that produces faith and possesses the very life and authority of God. We believe the Scriptures are Christocentric; the Old Testament is Christ concealed, and the New Testament is Christ revealed.
  • We believe in the finished work of God by Jesus on the cross, that He died for us and ‘as us’, He was buried for us and ‘as us’, and He resurrected for us and ‘as us’. We believe that all that God is to us and has done for us is in the grace package and is only accessed by faith in Christ alone.
  • We believe in the rapture and resurrection of the saints. That is when our body will become transformed to be like the resurrected body of Jesus.
  • We believe in true worship, which is a way of life and honour towards God as we willfully choose Him above all else in our daily engagements.
  • We believe that worshipping God is to the degree of the revelation knowledge that we have; hence, we grow in worship as we grow in the revelation knowledge of God in Christ Jesus.
  • We believe we are all designed by purpose, on purpose, and for purpose. This purpose is not self-created but discovered by us through the One who created us for His purpose.

Our Values

  • We are committed to the teaching and preaching of God’s word, hence
  • COMMUNICATING the agenda and culture of God and His kingdom.
  • We are committed to praying, which is a fundamental tool of fellowshipping with God.
  • We are committed to worship as our intimate expression of love towards God in spirit and in truth.
  • We are committed to purpose discovery and pursuit.
  • We are committed to enriching the lives of singles, married couples, and families with kingdom values and culture.
  • We are committed to creativity and innovation, being relevant to the times and relative to the people, knowing that principles don’t change but methods change.
  • We are committed to showing forth God’s love through help, empowerment, and various transformational channels.

Virtual Conference 2025

The Unforced Rhythms of Grace

This gathering seeks to strengthen our inner selves by revealing Christ, the embodiment of God’s complete message and essence. He represents everything God wishes to convey about Himself to humanity, including His plans, purpose, and power.